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  • som svar til: Maternity benefits when you are a student #67


    on the date you plan to go on maternity leave, you must still be within a period of 3 years since you initially was approved for the 2-year dagpengeperiod. The 3 year is the maximum period within which the 2 years with dagpenge must be used.

    But if you have no problem with keeping within 3 year, then your 2-years dagpenge period is paused when you start master study. And after 1 year study you can register as unemployed again an take leave from study. If you take leave from study you are considered as unemployed in relation to requirements for getting maternity leave benefits. You must be able to document the leave when you apply for maternity benefits.

    If you only have used 1.5 years, then you are still in a 2 year period with dagpenge. Regardless of how close you are to the end of the 2 year period, then you meet the requirements for getting maternity leave benefits (“barselsdagpenge”). In other words, if you can receive Unemployment benefits (dagpenge) when you go on maternity leave, then you can also get barselsdagpenge.

    In the period with barselsdagpenge, the 3 years maximum reference period is paused/extended with the maternity leave period.

    It’s not the A-kasse who pay out barselsdagpenge, but “Udbetaling Danmark”. However you must inform the A-kasse that you plan to go on maternity leave. Then the A-kasse will inform “Udbetaling Danmark”.

    A 2 years master, if its SU-eligible, should give you a new right as graduate. So with a completed master you can register as newly graduate again in the A-kasse, and get a new 2-year period with dagpenge.

    Best regards,

    Anders Weber,

    som svar til: A-kasse abroad #64


    1. You must be in Denmark at latest 2 weeks after graduation, to be able to use the graduate rule/get graduate rights in the A-kasse.
    2. There are no requirements saying that you need CPR or permanent address. Staying at friends is ok. However keeping CPR as you plan to do, is a good idea, because it makes everything more easy.
    3. The conditions for using the 3 months jobsearch in another EU-country with dagpenge from a danish A-kasse, is mentioned in this article. You must be entitled to receive dagpenge, this means that you must stay in Denmark, when you apply for the 3 months jobsearch period. As a start of point you need to be registered as unemployed for 4 weeks before you can use the jobsearch-rule. However see in the article about exemptions, i.e. for newly graduates.
    4. If you have been member of A-kasse at least 1 year before graduation you are entitled to receive dagpenge from the first day of unemployment (mening no waiting period). In this case you will get your first payment from the A-kasse January 31, 2021. In the 4 weeks period you are registered as unemployed in Denmark and you are under the normal unemployment rules, meaning that you need to apply for jobs, however you can apply for jobs in Denmark and abroad. You can even go to jobintervies in another country if you inform the A-kasse about it.

    Hope it helps you. You are welcome to ask again, if you still are in doubt about your rights.

    Best regards,

    Anders Weber,

    som svar til: A-kasse abroad #62


    regarding the graduate rule, it is a very strict requirement that you lived in Denmark right before starting the education and again at latest 2 weeks after finishing education (graduation).

    So if you move to another country (EU or non EU) before graduation and stay there till after 2 weeks after your graduation, then you can not qualify for Unemployment benefits (dagpenge) after the graduate rule.

    And if you do not have right to dagpenge, then you can also not use the 3 months job-search option. The 3 months job-search period in another EU-country with dagpenge from a danish A-kasse, is only for individuals who have been approved for dagpenge in Denmark. And normally you also need to have been receiving dagpenge for 4 weeks before you can make use of the 3 months job-search option. However if you go to your own EU-homecountry it is only nessasary with 1 week on dagpenge, before you can use the 3 months job-search rule.

    Read more about the 3 months job-search in another EU-country here.

    There is no chance to avoid the requirements for graduates, and the A-kasse can not make exceptions.

    So if I was in your situation, I would definately wait until after graduation/after you have been approved for dagpenge in your A-kasse to go on job-search in another EU-country.

    Let me know if you need more help.

    Best regards,


    som svar til: Question of Non-EU citizen working as salaried PhD in Denmark #60


    since July 1, 2017 is has no longer been possible to receive unemployment benefits (dagpenge), in the period of a PhD study from where the salary ends until the PhD is completed. Before July 2017 it was possible to receive dagpenge, if the PhD was completed as a part-time study with less than 20 hours per week.

    However, after the law change in 2017, this is not possible anymore.

    To be able to get dagpenge, you must not be signed up/registered as a PhD student. And also off course you must be able to meet the requirements for being eligble for dagpenge. This is not relevant for you because you have to be member one year of A-kasse, and furthermore you need a work-permit (see next paragraph).

    It will be difficult to get dagpenge after finishing your PhD (after graduate scheme), because you probably don’t have a work permit that allows you to take any job with one day notice. However we do not give advice regarding VISA/work-permit, but can only tell that paying for A-kasse is only relevant if you have a work-permit which allows you to take any job with one day notice. This is a requirement for being eligible for dagpenge in Denmark.

    Best regards,

    Anders Weber,

    som svar til: Non-EU citizen soon danish master graduate #58


    1) you are right about that you can not get unemployment benefits (fulltime or supplementary) in the 6 months job-seek period. This is because you are not allowed to take any fulltime-job with one day notice. You are only allowed to search for job and work 20 hours per week. It is also a condition for the study-permit that the student is self-supporting throughout the stay in Denmark. Therefore, if you only have a normal study-visa you will not be able to get Unemployment benefits.

    If you get a full-time job, you will need to apply for working permit.

    2) If you are under the establishment card scheme you are not allowed to get unemployment benefits as graduate. But you can earn right to unemployment benefits like other wage-earners. This means you have to be member one year and meet the income-requirement. Read more about the requirements here: This also means that the last option you mention in your post is not relevant. You can not get unemployment benefits as a graduate if you seek for establishment card.

    Remember always as a non-EU citizen: it gives only meaning to pay for A-kasse if you are sure that you can stay and work (fulltime) in Denmark, in case you lose your current job/become unemployed.

    We do not guide about work-permit – you must find out your self if you have the right work-permit. SIRI, is the right place to ask about work-permit.

    Let me know if you need more help.

    Best regards,

    Anders Weber,

    som svar til: EU graduate – can I stay in DK and receive dagpenge? #362


    As an EU graduate there should not be any problems with staying in Denmark. However you need a EU residence document.

    As an EU national you are free to enter Denmark and reside in the country for up to three months without a residence document.
    If you are looking for work, you will be able to reside in Denmark for up to six months without a residence document.

    If your grounds for residence are terminated – e.g. if you stop working or studying – you must apply for a new residence document on other grounds – e.g. as a person with sufficient funds.

    In relation to having grounds for residence under EU rules, being a person with sufficient funds means that you are self-supporting and thus have access to funds or income that can be used to maintain yourself and your family to such a degree that it can be assumed that you will not become a public burden.

    If you have a residence document, you may remain in Denmark indefinitely, provided you meet the conditions for your grounds for residence. There is no date of expiry for residence documents.

    You can read more about this on the website of SIRI (” The Danish Agency for International Recruitment and Integration”). This is also to SIRI that you must apply for the residence document.
    Read more about the EU residence document here:

    And you are allowed to receive Dagpenge, after the same rules/requirements as danish citizens.

    So the answer is: you can stay for more than 6 months, but you need to apply for the residence document (not residence permit).
    And you can continue to receive Dagpenge for up to 2 years from your graduation date.

    Please let me know, if you have further comments.

    Best regards,
    Anders Weber,


    Hej Laura,

    jeg går ud fra at du ikke fik registreret dimittend-rettigheder i A-kassen da du blev færdig med din markedsføringsøkonom.
    Hvis det er tilfældet så skal A-kassen – med henblik på at vurdere om du har/havde ret til dagpenge lige efter afslutning af PBA’en (fordi du har gennemført den på 17 mdr, selvom den er normeret til 18 måneder), vurdere om markedsføringsøkonomen og PBA’en kan vurderes som “en samlet uddannelse” på over 18 måneders varighed.
    Her skal følgende betingelser være opfyldt:

    1. der er tidsmæssig sammenhæng mellem de forskellige dele af uddannelsen,
    2. der er en fagmæssig sammenhæng, og
    3. den første del af uddannelsen er en nødvendig forudsætning for den næste del af uddannelsen.
      Det må være betingelse 1, som din A-kasse ikke mener at du opfylder. 6 måneder er normalt for lang en pause til at man kan sige at der er en tidsmæssig sammenhæng. Der accepteres som regel kun den normale “sommerferie” mellem grunduddannelse og overbygning.

    Det er ikke i bekendtgørelsen eller i vejledningen nærmere beskrevet, hvad der skal forstås ved tidsmæssig sammenhæng mellem de forskellige dele af uddannelsen.

    A-kassen skal derfor foretage vurderingen af, om der er tale om en samlet uddannelse, herunder om der er tidsmæssig sammenhæng mellem de forskellige dele af uddannelsen.

    Vi kan på den baggrund ikke udtale os generelt i forhold til, hvor lang tid der må gå mellem de forskellige dele af uddannelsen, for at uddannelserne kan anses for en samlet uddannelse.

    Vi kan oplyse, at vurderingen af om der er tale om en samlet uddannelse altid må bero på en konkret vurdering af uddannelsesforløbet. Det kan eksempelvis indgå i vurdering af, om der er tidsmæssig sammenhæng mellem de forskellige dele af uddannelsen, hvor ofte det er muligt at blive optaget på uddannelsen, herunder hvad der er årsag til det tidsmæssige afbrud mellem uddannelserne.

    Der er ikke meget retspraksis på området, men vi kan henvise til en klagesag fra 2011 over en A-kasse (sagsnr. 10-611-0083). Sagen bygger på en udtalelse fra Styrelsen for International Uddannelse og omhandler blandt andet spørgsmålet om tidsmæssig sammenhæng mellem en udenlandsk bacheloruddannelse og en masteruddannelse i Danmark med en varighed på under 1 år. I denne sag blev de to dele vurderet som en samlet uddannelse, selvom der var en pause mellem de to dele på mere end 5 år. Denne sag er dog speciel og kan ikke umiddelbart sammenlignes med sager hvori kun indgår dele fra danske uddannelsesinstitutioner i den samlede uddannelse.

    Du har altid mulighed for at prøve at klage over din A-kasse, hvis du synes det er en forkert afgørelse. Du skal i givet fald prøve at kontakte og høre nærmere om hvordan du klager.

    Med venlig hilsen


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