Unemployment benefit - Hours

After termination, does 3 months salary count as Income reported / hours worked?

My A-kassa started in July, 2016.
I was working full time and lost my job on 31st March, 2017 with 3 months salary, so my actual employment ended on 30-June-2017.
Then I got a full time contract job for July, 2017 and August 2017.  
But now I am unemployed, can I claim unemployment benefit for the month September? Since I have been a member of A-kassa from July, 2016 to August 2017.

Thanks in advance.

in Dagpenge by

1 Answer



according to the new rules that came into force 01.07.2017, you obtain right to benefits if you fullfill both of the following two requirements:

  1. have earned/have had an income of at least DKK 223,428 (in 2017) during the last 3 years (in total) for full-time insured.
  2. have been member of an A-kasse for at least the last year before you apply for benefits

You are member now, and have been member of an A-kasse for at least 1 year, so this requirement you fulfill.

About income requirement: you must be aware that only income earned during periods with membership of an A-kasse is counted.

And only a maximum of DKK 18,619 per month can be counted. In this way everybody who apply for Unemployment benefits - regardless of income - must have been working at least 12 months during periods with A-kasse membership, before he/she can claim to being eligible for benefits. 

Income you receive in the notice period (the 3 months after termination) is counted when the A-kasse determine whether the DKK 223,428 is reached.

You do not tell for how long you have been working in 2016, but if we assume that you had work from the same month you started in A-kasse, july 2016, then you will have enough months with income (13 months - from july 2016 to august 2017), and if you in total in this period have earned at least DKK 223,428, then you also fullfill the income requirement.

To actually get the Unemployment benefits paid, you must register as unemployed at Jobnet.dk, and tell your A-kasse that you now apply for Unemployment benefits. You can receive benefits earliest from the day you register at Jobnet.dk.

Post any comments if its not clear for you.

Best regards,

Anders, www.a-kasser.dk

Hi Anders,
Thanks a ton for the quick response.
I have started working from Jan 2016, but been a member of A-Kassa only from 8th July.
Also my income per month is over 20,000 DKK.
I have registered at jobnet.dk also had a meeting with job center.

But when I submitted my application for benefit, they have rejected saying my income from July, 2016 to August ,2017 is below 223,428.

But, my total income during this period is way above that number.

Just wanted to clarify before I proceed further.

Hi Pavan,
the requirement about income (DKK 223,428) is a new thing that was coming in effect from 1. of july 2017. So everybody has to learn how this requirement is carried out in the real life..
I have no access to see your registered income...but the A-kasse will look in the official income register and from there calculate your income during the last 3 years. For you it will only be from 8. of july 2016 because you have not been member before.
But as mentiod in our answer if your income in this period exceeds DKK 223,428 (which you say it does..), and be aware that no months can count more than DKK 18,619, then I can not see why the A-kasse tells you that your income is below DKK 223,428.
Maybe not all your income is registered correct in the official registers..?
You must look at your paychecks and maybe at SKAT.dk, where you can see your registered income for 2016.

Hope you find out. You are welcome to update here with the result after talking to your A-kasse again.

Best regards,
Anders, www.a-kasser.dk
Thanks a ton Anders. Really appreciate it. :)