Travel costs refund - Interview

I have an interview for which I have to cross the entire country. During a meeting at the in the jobcenter I was told that I could get a refund for the costs incurred because of the interview, but I can't find anything online. The only thing I found is about Eurofound (link below) but it doesn't say how to claim that refund. There is no form to fill in nor an option to register + the website was last updated on May 2017.

Is it through my A-kasse that I have to ask for the reimbursement or through Eurofound?
in A-kasse for graduates by

1 Answer


it is the Jobcenter in the town where you live, which you must contact and ask them about the conditions for being able to get refund for the costs incurred because of jobintervies.

There can be different rules/conditions between the different municipalities (kommuner).

But the Jobcenter can help you. And if you qualify for refund, they will also help you with application form.

Best regards,

Anders Weber,