Student A-kasse with Full-time job
I wanted to know if I have right to get unemployment benefits if I got fired after I’m going to graduate. I’m member of a A-kasse since first day I started my studys, when I started my studys I had part-time-job and SU. However, for the past 8 months I have a full-time-job (no SU) and I’m only going to graduate in June. So in short - does it change students eligibility to recieve unemployment benefits if a student has a full-time-job in middle of studys ?
Hope you understand my question.
Thank you for your time.
1 Answer
no, a job (full-time or less) during studies does not change the eligibility to receive Unemployment benefits ("dagpenge") after the graduate rule.
But having too much work/income together with study can have the effect that you are not eligible for free student membership in A-kasse. If you have free membership now, you will probably get a invoice from the A-kasse, when they find out that you have had free membership while earning too much.
Your total income (SU+work) with free student membership can not exceed the maximum dagpenge-level, which is DKK 228,996 in 2020.
When you work so much, you may have the option to earn right to dagpenge, as a wage-earner (not graduate). In that case you need to meet the income-requirement. See the general requirements here. I will recommend you to ask your A-kasse about this, if You think this is an option for you.
Best regards,
Anders Weber,