Vikar job vs. dagpenge
1 Answer
no, as long as it is only short-term jobs, you can keep your 2-year period with dagpenge. In fact by working you will be able to extend the period in the last end. 1 hour of work gives two more hours with dagpenge.
Off course you can not get dagpenge for the same period where you have this vikar-job. You must tell the A-kasse about the job on the monthly "dagpenge-kort", you fill out online at the A-kasse website. The A-kasse will then deduct the hours you have worked in your dagpenge-payment.
Because you will work 37 hours per week, you can not get supplementary benefits.
If you are not approved for supplerende dagpenge, then you can not receive dagpenge in weeks where you work.
I recommend that you also talk with your A-kasse about this.
Best regards,
Anders Weber,
no, as long as it is only short-term jobs, you can keep your 2-year period with dagpenge. In fact by working you will be able to extend the period in the last end. 1 hour of work gives two more hours with dagpenge.
Off course you can not get dagpenge for the same period where you have this vikar-job. You must tell the A-kasse about the job on the monthly "dagpenge-kort", you fill out online at the A-kasse website. The A-kasse will then deduct the hours you have worked in your dagpenge-payment.
Because you will work 37 hours per week, you can not get supplementary benefits.
If you are not approved for supplerende dagpenge, then you can not receive dagpenge in weeks where you work.
I recommend that you also talk with your A-kasse about this.
Best regards,
Anders Weber,
I thought that I cannot work full time in order to keep my dagpenge period, as I understood correctly it has to be less than 37 h/week?
Hi again,
your dagpenge period is something you are approved for, and when you are approved for a 2-year period, you can use this right within a 3 year reference-period.
So in this case where you get a vikar-job, you just tell the A-kasse about it, and after the job is finished you return to the same 2-year dagpenge-period, from where you left in the 2-year period.
Maybe you have heard about supplementary benefits. As mentioned supplementary benefits is only possible if you work less than full time (less than 37 hours per week).
your dagpenge period is something you are approved for, and when you are approved for a 2-year period, you can use this right within a 3 year reference-period.
So in this case where you get a vikar-job, you just tell the A-kasse about it, and after the job is finished you return to the same 2-year dagpenge-period, from where you left in the 2-year period.
Maybe you have heard about supplementary benefits. As mentioned supplementary benefits is only possible if you work less than full time (less than 37 hours per week).